Page 84 - Lighting Magazine December 2017
P. 84

so MaNy shows, so little time
Lighting designers
Interior designers
Agency Reps
LEDucation 
(Local Reps)
Lightshow West  
IES Product Fair 
Lightfair 
LED Speci er Summit 
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Healthcare Design
Design Connections
“Depending on the show size, we can spend between $4,000 to $200,000.”
— Visa Lighting
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 (Local Reps)
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With So Many Options, What Is the Industry Still Missing?
Manufacturers and agency representatives were asked by enLIGHTenment Magazine what they felt the industry is missing within the current trade show environment — and the responses varied. Some indicated that a few of the regional trade shows have not  gured out a good value proposi- tion to a ract the ideal a endance to justify the cost of the event. Others felt the pressure of bud- get constraints make it too expensive overall to exhibit and indicated that the drayage companies, the unions, and the show organizers make it an unpleasant and wasteful experience. Then there were those who felt that the trade show environ- ment was well-saturated and if it becomes too populated with shows, there will be diminishing returns for the participating manufacturers.
There are lots of reasons to participate in trade shows, but in the end, it all comes down to three things: the customers, the suppliers, and the competition. Does the investment – no mat- ter what format – provide a return? That is the million-dollar question manufacturers must ask when evaluating budgetary spending towards trade shows.
82 enLIGHTenment magazine | december 2017
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Sales Representative-Hosted Shows
There is a new player in the trade show midst: some of the larger manufacturers’ sales representative agencies now host their own trade shows to provide their customer base with a focused and controlled environment for their representative brands to showcase their latest products and to provide an ideal environment for client entertainment.
From the manufacturers’ perspective, they feel that these shows are well-a ended because the agents are personally invested in the success. However, the manufacturers who spoke to enLIGHT- enment Magazine indicate that there are o en many additional costs beyond the normal “cost to exhibit” expense that they cover directly or indirectly.
The hosting agency asks each of the brands rep- resented to participate. Typically, each manufacturer pays for their own exhibit and related expenses, and the overall show expenses are solely incurred by the agency host. However, there are now numer- ous shows where a major contribution from the participating companies is requested or required. According to manufacturers surveyed, these man- datory expenses can mean paying a portion of the catering fees, entertainment, and additional expens- es to host the event.

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