Page 63 - enLIGHTenment - November 2017
P. 63


testing and certi cation process is similar across fact, most NRTLs will accept components from 

the board. Additionally, the standards for a given other labs. Likewise, Intertek will accept compo- 
product dictate what must be evaluated, as well nents certi ed by another NRTL. This is because 

as the results that will be considered accept- component certi cation o ers manufacturers fast- 
able. While the requirements are the same for all er, more  exible options. Recognizing this, Intertek 

NRTLs, since joining the program soon a er its established programs like the  rst-in-kind Class 
inception, Intertek has worked hard to re ne and P program for LED drivers. The program allows 

perfect a quality manual used globally throughout luminaire manufacturers to replace a listed Class 

the company. This manual sets forth robust pro- P LED driver with another of equivalent rating by 
cesses and thorough procedures for the testing any manufacturer, without retesting or reviewing 

and certi cation of products, making the ETL pro- drivers and reports for each new driver.
cess, if anything, one of the most thorough options 

available to lighting manufacturers.
myTH #6: InTerTek onLy DoeS SaFeTy 

myTH #3: InTerTek DoeSn’T
A product bearing an ETL Mark has been found 

to meet the requirements of the applicable 
It is true that Intertek is focused entirely on as- safety standard, but o en these requirements go 

surance, testing, inspection, and certi cation beyond safety and include performance guide- 

activities. To that end, the company does not lines, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), and 
publish any standards or regulations, nor do any environmental considerations. Some products 

standards or regulation bear Intertek’s name. certi ed by ETL can undergo additional testing 
However, Intertek subject ma er experts serve requested by a manufacturer for performance 

on both global and regional commi ees to advise and quality or for additional certi cations such as 

organizations that issue the standards and re- EnergyStar, Intertek’s Green Leaf Mark, or a Qual- 
quirements. In some cases, Intertek experts serve ity & Performance Mark.

as the chairs of regulation commi ees. This means 
the company has a proverbial seat at the table for With a history going back more 

developing safety and performance standards for 
than 120 years, ETL has proven to 
several industries, including lighting.

be a valid option for manufacturers.
myTH #4: eTL TeSTerS are noT aS FamILIar 
WITH TeSTInG requIremenTS

While the regulations and standards may not bear myTH #7: eTL DoeS noT aPPLy To canaDa

Intertek’s name, as mentioned above, the compa- Intertek is a global total quality assurance pro- 
ny sits on the commi ees and standards technical vider with labs and o ces in more than 100 

panels that establish the requirements for vari- countries, including Canada. In addition to being 
ous industries, including lighting. This means ETL a NRTL under OSHA, Intertek is accredited as a 

experts have an intimate knowledge of testing re- testing organization and certi cation body by the 

quirements. Coupled with continuing education, Standards Council of Canada (SCC). As such, the 
extensive experience, plus years of expertise, pro- ETL Mark is accepted not only in the U.S., but 

fessionals who test and certify with the ETL Mark throughout Canada as well.
are extremely knowledgeable on the standards, In an industry that is always evolving and moving 

regulations, test methods, and requirements that at a fast pace, it can be challenging to keep track 

lighting products and components must meet in of all the options available to help bring products 
order to qualify.
to market. It can also be a comfort to fall back on 

commonly held beliefs and myths. Yet it’s impor- 
myTH #5: eTL DoeSn’T cerTIFy tant to address the myths in order to understand 

comPonenTS THaT oTHer nrTLS
aspects of the industry, such as how OSHA’s NRTL 
program works and not discount a certi cation 
Lighting components can be ETL-certi ed; the op- option whose roots date back to the start of the 

tion is available for ba eries, wiring, cabling, LED industry and is backed by extensive knowledge, 
drivers, ballasts, and many other components. In
experience, and expertise. 

november 2017 | enLIGHTenment magazine 61

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