Page 87 - Lighting Magazine December 2017
P. 87

on the Mark
your dissimilarities. Concentrating on promoting the unique qualities your showroom brings to the table is the communication that will increase your tra c and separate you from all the competition ─ brick and mortar as well as digital.
Begin your self-assessment by carefully and thoroughly answering these re ned questions that de ne your distinctive talents. For every answer, ask yourself “Why?”  ve times; this is called the 5 Whys and is used in many activities from goal se ing, de-  ning cause and product selection to various types of decision-making. Developed by Sakichi Toyoda and utilized at Toyota Motors, the “5 Whys” is a sys- tem that e ectively gets to the heart of any ma er.
Schedule some time away to work on your self-assessment and think in-depth about these foundational questions. Change “We” to “I” if you are a solopreneur or a salesperson working inde- pendently on your professional development:
O “Why are we in the lighting business?” O “What is the value that our showroom
brings as a business to our clients and our
O “What do we do be er than all of our
O “Who is our perfect (Primal Client) client?” O What experiences do we o er that will cre-
ate raving fans that want to share the wonder of our showroom?”
Remember to get the answer to each and then ask yourself the “Why”  ve times.
2. WHo you are noT!
The other side of the coin that is equally important to know is who you are not. Sometimes this is a more natural place to start since we all know what we do not like or don’t want to do.
By acknowledging what your business is not, let’s identify and then put aside all the things we are not or do not do well. The result will be an honest self- appraisal that will foster clear communication, limit, or eliminate time spent on activities that are not our strengths and assures that sales and marketing ef- forts are congruent.
3. JoIn THe brandInG dance
Now that you have learned who you are, you can take action to be successful at connecting with your customer base. The marketplace wants to know as much about you as you want to know about them. Is the store the leader in lighting design? Maybe the store is a boutique shop for those who want some- thing unique or special. Is the company an involved member in the community supporting local causes?
Marketing your unique strengths and activities will constitute a signi cant part of your brand and are the tools of a raction and retention while ap- pealing to your “Primal Client.” The personality of the showroom is the brand. It is not one individual’s personality that stands out, but a re ection of the personality of your company that resonates with your “Primal Client” who you are working hard to a ract. Building and promoting your brand is, in my opinion, an essential focus for 2018.
december 2017 | enLIGHTenment magazine 85
“A racting Ideal Clients Is Di cult When You Do Not Know Who You Are.”

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